Small Groups at Holy Trinity



We select a book for the month to read then get together for discussion of the book and other sharing, then a light dessert. 

When:     First Thursday of the month at 1:30 pm, followed by light dessert.

Where:   The location changes as we meet in a member’s home. The location is announced in the bulletin, the weekly eNews, and the monthly Newsletter.  Or you may call the Church Office for location and directions.

If you love to read, enjoy lively conversation and fellowship, consider joining us for discussion of any one of the book selections. If you have questions, contact Linda Fleming @ 419-756-4929.


Who likes to measure, cut, sew or tie and enjoy fellowship? The goal of this group is to make quilts for Lutheran World Relief. Some of the quilts may be donated to Harmony House or the Domestic Violence Shelter.

Coordinator: Sue Hendrickson
When: 10:00 am on the second Wednesday each month.
Where: Holy Trinity Lutheran Church


This group serves our church members and is open to anyone in the church wishing  to participate. Sign up if you would be willing to serve.

Quarterly, we visit shut-in members with a bag of goodies to check in to see how they are doing and to communicate any concerns to the church. We give rides to our shut-ins to the doctor’s office, or shopping or church activities.

We may also provide a meal; shovel snow; rake leaves; many needs of our congregation. 

When you sign up, please indicate what you are able and willing to help with.

If you have a need that a Holy Carer can help with, please call the Church Office at 419-756-7547.


This group prays for those in need of special prayers. Members of the Congregation can make requests for prayer by filling out a request on the bulletin insert or by notifying the church office, either by telephone (419-756-7547) or email ([email protected]). The requests are then forwarded to members of prayer chain. Sign up if you would like to be a part of this special group.